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Industries | Averis

Our customers are major global producers that manufacture source materials for essential goods, used by billions daily. Their bio-based materials replace plastics, creating sustainable, recyclable, and biodegradable products. Additionally, they offer alternative energy sources that effectively reduce carbon emissions.

Today, we serve over 300 companies throughout a diverse range of industries with a special focus on commodities including palm oil, pulp and paper, energy, viscose, and dissolving and specialty pulp. Our daily operations support a combined workforce of over 80,000 people, spread across 32 locations globally.


Palm Oil

Palm oil is a versatile natural resource and our customer believes it must be produced sustainably based on economic, social, and environmental viability. Our customer collaborates with over 30,000 smallholder families and approximately 10,000 independent smallholder families, fostering a positive impact on their quality of life and economic growth.

Dissolving Pulp & Specialty Pulp

Combining technology, high quality standards, environmental consciousness as well as social responsibility, our customer provides natural raw materials and key ingredients for a wide spectrum of products including sunglasses frames, soft ice-cream, sausage casings, cosmetics, detergents, pharmaceuticals, and tire cords.


Pulp & Paper

Recognised as one of the world's largest producers of pulp and paper, our customer's pulp is used for a variety of applications such as the production of tissue and specialty paper. Through the 1.5 million trees that they plant and nurture, our customers' bio-based materials replace plastics in order to produce sustainable, recyclable, and biodegradable products.


Known as the first fully integrated viscose rayon producer in Asia, our customer's involvement in production ranges from plantation all the way to viscose fibre. Dedicated to sustainable sourcing and efficient manufacturing, our customer produces high-quality products tailored to meet consumer needs, positively impacting communities along the way.


Clean and Renewable Energy

Our customer develops, builds, owns, and operates cost-competitive projects throughout the energy supply chain while maintaining its role as a responsible corporate citizen. They consistently contribute by reducing emissions intensity, substituting traditional fuels with alternatives, and promoting sustainable living and working conditions worldwide.

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