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Post IDs: 1220, 1189, 1260, 1268, 1011, 992, 1243, 950, 1041, 1234, 1075, 1170, 1272, 1051, 1095, 706, 703, 701, 694, 692, 687, 423, 578, 414, 580, 286, 582, 426, 584, 429, 585, 432, 586, 587, 56, 643, 62, 642, 93, 641, 97, 640, 100, 639, 104, 638, 107, 637, 110, 636, 113, 635, 116, 634, 119, 633, 122, 632, 125, 631, 128, 630, 131, 629, 134, 628, 137, 627, 140, 606, 65, 592, 68, 593, 71, 594, 74, 595, 77, 597, 87, 598, 90

Category IDs: 24, 22, 47, 50, 32, 49, 48, 23

Tag IDs: 16, 19, 14, 4, 25, 61, 37, 41, 13, 63, 60, 17, 7, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 9, 51, 42, 38, 40, 39, 12, 43, 44, 6, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 45, 26

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Foco na Melhoria Contínua, RPA e em Nossa Gente - Averis

Foco na Melhoria Contínua, RPA e em Nossa Gente

January 28, 2022
1 min read
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The first New Joiner Orientation (NJO) of the year took place on 26th January under strict SOP control including social distancing, sanitisation and all related measures. This session, our Financial Controller, Dang Cheong Lee, walked us through the 15-year milestones of Averis. He shared that Continuous Improvement from our TOPICC core values is one of the key elements that has helped accelerate our growth.

In the spirit of Continuous Improvement and Innovation, Averis started embracing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in 2018. Along our RPA journey, we reduce mundane and repetitive tasks for our employees, freeing up more time for them to take on bigger and more exciting roles in providing higher-value services to our customers.

Dang shared that adopting RPA did not cut down the number of employees in Averis. In fact, it created a whole new range of opportunities and job roles. Averians are able to explore new areas of work in Averis because priorities are given to our own people. The company also provides structured, professional training to up-skill our people.

Our focus on Continuous Improvement, RPA and our people is one of the reasons Averis continues growing – in terms of business volume as well as the number of employees every year.

Find out more about Averis’ Core Values that make the company sustainable here: .

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