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Celebrating 25 Years of Hardwork and Dedication: Pak Heriadi - Averis

Celebrating 25 Years of Hardwork and Dedication: Pak Heriadi

January 8, 2021
1 min read
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Friends of Averis had our last town hall in 2020 last Friday. Over 450 colleagues came together virtually, Building Connectedness via a video conferencing platform. 2020 has been a trying year for us all at Averis and Ace Resource, just as it has been for many. We persevered – having held hands and worked together towards delivering our services and meeting customers’ needs.

Have you ever envisioned your 25th anniversary at work? Today, Pak Heriadi is presented with a Long Service Award in certificate as well as engraved on a 13g gold from Patrick Khoo, CIO and Pak Herminto, Head of IT Tower.

You’ve walked the entire journey with us, going through our humble beginning till where we are today. No amount of money could buy us loyalty and we cannot thank you enough for your dedication and contribution. We look forward to many more thriving years with you, Pak Heriadi!

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