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Be Willing to Embrace Challenges and Opportunities - Averis

Be Willing to Embrace Challenges and Opportunities

January 31, 2023
3 min read
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Meet the young and energetic Sean Chow. Here, he shares his experience so far of being part of the Management Associate Programme and how it has moulded him to be the man he is today.

  1. What are your roles/responsibilities at Averis?

As a Management Associate, my day-to-day tasks include conducting basic research topics based on assigned projects, assisting in administrative or production tasks as well as communicating with Team Leads from different departments to ensure all projects run smoothly. For this year, I am also excited to be part of our company’s recreational club where we get to organise various fun events which I hope many will participate in and embrace our company’s vibrant culture.

  1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? (background, career, etc)

I was born and raised in the Pearl of the Orient, otherwise known as Penang, for over 20 years before taking a leap of faith by moving to KL last year. I started my first job in a foreign bank where I was in my comfort zone the entire time, with good food, friends, and family constantly by my side. I was ready to take up better opportunities, so here I am now writing this testimonial.

  1. How would you describe your path to your current position at Averis?

My first day at a new company and in a new environment was a real eye opener. I was fortunate to have met friendly colleagues who are now my friends. I knew what I signed up for right from the start, and I must admit, the path wasn’t entirely smooth sailing. Each day, I gained exposure and experience especially from senior colleagues who are willing to relentlessly exchange input and ensured that I settled in well, assisting me in every way possible.

  1. What inspires you at your workplace?

Working alongside a great bunch of individuals and a sense of achievement whenever a project turns out successful.

  1. What have you learned about leadership through this Management Associate Programme (MAP)?

Leaders can be shaped, depending on how you want it to be. A great leader with great leadership skills will create more leaders who are willing to go to a war, side by side. This programme not only allows us to learn from different roles or departments, it also prepares us for success in the future.

  1. Do you have any tips/advice to share with fellow Averians?

Embrace whatever is thrown at you. This way, you won’t look back and regret not taking ownership and making the right decisions at the right time.

  1. How would you describe Averis?

Definitely a fun and vibrant company. Averis has tons of work opportunities for everyone but Averis also knows how to make sure every staff has an adequate work life balance. As the saying goes, work hard, play harder.

  1. As a Management Associate, what do you think are the important qualities to success in your career path?

Having an open mindset and being willing to take on challenges. There are plenty of opportunities awaiting but if you are not willing to fight for them, others will. To those who think they have what it takes, Averis will always welcome you with open arms no matter what gender or race you are. Join us now and be part of this amazing team. You won’t regret it.

You heard Sean! If you’re interested in applying for the Management Associate Programme or looking for internship roles, send over your updated resume to

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