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Ian Conquers All – From Quick Thinking to Problem Solving - Averis

Ian Conquers All – From Quick Thinking to Problem Solving

August 18, 2023
3 min read
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If you ask anyone who’s part of the Management Associate Programme, they’ll all agree that Ian Lim is a great team player who has the ability to handle different sets of challenges with an open mind. Apart from being recognised for his quick thinking and problem solving skills, he also recently had the opportunity to travel to Brazil where he got to visit Averis Americas, our new shared services hub and other sites that our business supports. Read on to learn more about Ian and his adventurous journey in Averis.

  1. From your experience with the company, what does it take to be a Management Associate (MA) Trainee at Averis?

Being an MA in Averis requires you to think quick, be a team player and most importantly, able to adapt. Working alongside experienced managers taught me that I needed to be adaptable when facing different sets of challenges, quick thinking in problem solving, and being effective in communicating with my teammates.

  1. Tell us one thing that you love about working at Averis and why.

Averis offers several programmes for employees that range from business knowledge to leadership skills. They encourage us to participate in these programmes to help level up our career knowledge and skills. In addition, the team leads and colleagues bring about such a great foundation for fresh graduates to continuously learn in a safe environment. I’m always able to approach my colleagues at any time to ask for assistance and to teach me how to handle certain requests or incidents.

  1. What was the biggest challenge you’ve encountered during your Management Associate (MA) Programme? How did you overcome it and what did you learn from it?

One of the biggest challenges I encountered during my MA programme was the overwhelming amount of research responsibilities. The combination of taking advanced classes, conducting research, and meeting deadlines often creates a high-pressure environment that requires effective time management and prioritisation.

  1. How would you describe Averis? Why do you say so?

Averis, to me, is a great platform to learn and grow. Averis is willing to provide a programme to help nurture fresh graduates in such a way by giving them a great stepping stone in their career. The MA programme in itself, allows individuals to excel in learning and gaining experience in the industry simultaneously.

  1. What was the most valuable advice that you received before embarking on this career path?

Thinking about it, there wasn’t any specific advice that I got before embarking on said “career path”. Throughout my life, my support system has always been my family. My parents have always been my pillar of support and I wouldn’t have gotten this far without them.

  1. What would you say is your biggest asset?

I would say one of my biggest assets is being open to feedback. Oftentimes I try to be more open to people’s new perspectives and their reasons behind them. Feedbacks or ideas that could improve the way I see the world are much welcomed.

  1. We heard that you went to Brazil for a business trip! Tell us more about it. Were there any interesting or unforgettable memories that you can share with us?

Being presented with the opportunity to go on a 2-week trip to Brazil was an experience I’ll never forget. Being on the ground and having a tour of the sites were invaluable. It was interesting to be able to see how we were supporting our customers in their day-to-day operations.

During this trip, I also had the opportunity to visit the offices and sites of the businesses we were supporting. We touched down in Sao Paolo and checked into the Pullman Hotel for a night. Then, we travelled to Lençois Paulista and even to Bahia in Salvador. We also managed to visit our new shared services hub in Campinas called Averis Americas.

Just like Ian, you’ll get to experience amazing opportunities like no other that’ll expand your work portfolio. Come build a career with us! Send your CV to

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