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Of Taking on Chances and Challenges - Averis

Of Taking on Chances and Challenges

February 27, 2023
3 min read
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Dynamic, Open, and Learning were the three words that described Wei Xin’s experience as a Management Associate. Read all about his learning experience and what his key takeaway was. 

  1. From your experience with the company, what does it take to be a Management Associate at Averis?

In my opinion, I would say that one needs to be able to handle stress very well. A Management Associate is expected to be a team lead, once the 2-year programme ends therefore, the management team has a very high expectation for each Management Associate. Other than that, adaptability would be also a very important skill to have, as one needs to adapt to the fast-changing environment of the dynamic business nature. In addition, communication skills. Basically, every employee needs to have good communication skills as we are expected to liaise with various stakeholders to get our job tasks done.

  1. Tell us one thing that you love about working here at Averis and why.

What I like about working in Averis is getting the opportunity to learn from different aspects. For example, I can request to transfer to another team or department to take on different roles and new challenges. Another thing is that Averis has a very open communication culture. As we can see, the company’s office setting is very open with not so much privacy, however, once we get familiar with other colleagues, it could be pretty fun and not at all lonely.

  1. What was the biggest challenge you’ve encountered during your Management Associate Programme? How did you overcome it or what did you learn from it?

The biggest challenge that I have encountered, I would say, is the dynamic nature of the company. One has to really be caught up with every change that takes place within the company. When I first joined the company, I really had no clue and no experience being in this business nature and culture. What I learnt from here is to not be afraid of asking questions, even though it could seem like a ‘silly’ question because that’s how we learn. Rest assured that all colleagues and even senior managers are very supportive and will help as much as they can.

  1. How would you describe Averis? Why do you say so?

Averis is a great workplace to gain experience because it allows us to explore our own potential. After 16 years of being in service, Averis is moving towards Digitalisation, which is exciting and it is a great chance to explore and improve the processes with everyone as a team.

I’m also proud to say that I personally have been assisting with a few Continuous Improvement (CI) projects that help improve the current processes. Some of them are new systems that have been implemented to our daily operations. All in all, it was still a great experience and I gained more knowledge, for example, acquiring IT skills through this particular project and so on.

  1. 3 WORDS to describe your experience in Averis.

Dynamic, Open, and Learning experiences

There are plenty of opportunities to learn and grow in Averis. If you want to build a strong career, join us as a permanent staff, Management Associate or an intern. You can send over your updated resume to and our team will be in touch.

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