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What Drives Husna to Excel in Her Chosen Career Path - Averis

What Drives Husna to Excel in Her Chosen Career Path

September 22, 2023
4 min read
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Nurul Husna, who has a qualification in Psychology, is a rising star in the Talent Management team. So, what drives her and motivates her to be the best? Her mentor and team leader, whose courage and understanding inspires her to strive further than what she can achieve. Husna herself is such a cheerleader. She has nothing but encouraging words for fellow peers in Averis and it’s refreshing to have someone like her in our midst. We present to you, Nurul Husna.

  1. Hi there! Tell us about yourself.

I have a background in psychology so working in HR was actually my last career option, that was until reality hit me. After considering and weighing the possibilities, I figured it’d be better to explore the Talent Management field where I can sharpen my knowledge and skills in HR psychology through personal branding in HR and talent development within the organisation.

The talent management process requires R&D, which is something I’ve always been interested in and I’m glad to be doing it in my current role.

  1. From an intern to a permanent staff in Averis, what are the changes that you’ve encountered?

I started off as an intern in the Talent Acquisition team and was transferred to Talent Management as I wanted to do more than just recruiting and on-boarding. The big difference is that I now attend to existing talents within the company and focus on navigating them towards the right direction in order to grow into great potential.

  1. How do you feel about the company and the team you’re working with so far?

I think there’s great potential and room for growth in Averis. I personally think there’s just so much to learn.

My team consists of my team lead and I. Though the number is particularly small, I’m beyond grateful that my team lead, Bernie, has been extremely helpful throughout the time I’ve been working with her. Not only has she been guiding me, she also constantly checks in with me and always acknowledges my work. Her courage and understanding has always inspired me to strive further than what I can achieve and she always makes sure that I have a strong sense of self-belief when doing my work. I will always be thankful to her for making me feel seen, heard, and most importantly, valued.

  1. What do you think is the most interesting fact about yourself that no one knows unless you tell them about it?

I’m a great listener and I speak out when it’s really necessary. I listen with the intent to understand, not to respond. I only ask when I need to clarify facts. The key is to never assume but assume only the best in anyone or anything.

I try my best to stick to these principles as I think it’s important to have effective communication in any situation, whether the conversation is formal or casual.

  1. As an Averis Recreational Club (ARC) member, you’ve been assisting in planning various employee engagement events for Averians. Can you tell us more about the successful Health Campaign that took place in July 2023?

I was surprised to see how excited everyone was for this Health Campaign. Throughout the month, we held a physiotherapy workshop to educate colleagues about the importance of good posture, a blood donation drive, a fitness assessment to create awareness about our current health state, a healthy food making workshop, and a health talk.

Our main goal of organising these health related events is to encourage everyone to always put their health as a top priority.

  1. Can you share some tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

First of all, listen to your body. You know your body more than anyone else. Rest when needed, whether it’s mentally or physically. As the saying goes – “Just like the dough, you can rise WHEN you rest”

Healthy lifestyle varies, only you know what’s best for you. If you’re unsure or confused, it’s okay to seek help. Seeking help, whether it’s for your mental or physical health, is not a sign of weakness. Knowing when to seek help is also a sign of strength – with a little help, you can get stronger. You’re never alone, you just have to voice out.

  1. What was the most valuable advice that you received before embarking on this career path?

It’s important to set boundaries of respect early on in order to set clear lines so that you can have a greater sense of autonomy. It’s also good to speak up comfortably and build greater self-esteem. Celebrate small wins and always be grateful at the end of your day.

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