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Post IDs: 1220, 1189, 1260, 1268, 1011, 992, 1243, 950, 1041, 1234, 1075, 1170, 1272, 1051, 1095, 706, 703, 701, 694, 692, 687, 423, 578, 414, 580, 286, 582, 426, 584, 429, 585, 432, 586, 587, 56, 643, 62, 642, 93, 641, 97, 640, 100, 639, 104, 638, 107, 637, 110, 636, 113, 635, 116, 634, 119, 633, 122, 632, 125, 631, 128, 630, 131, 629, 134, 628, 137, 627, 140, 606, 65, 592, 68, 593, 71, 594, 74, 595, 77, 597, 87, 598, 90

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Queried Object ID: 179

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Condition is true
IT Operations and Project Services | Averis

Awarded the Customer Centre of Excellence (CCOE) accreditation by SAP, our IT service is the main pillar that supports all of our customers’ businesses. With more than 16 years of hands-on experience, our team is well-versed with industry knowledge and insights. We are able to provide the best IT solutions and services that meet customers’ business needs, be it green-field or brown-field operations. 

As a certified partner of SAP, we get to revolutionise the future of our customers. SAP gives us the tools we need to help our customers navigate technology related disruptions while managing business processes by developing solutions that ease and simplify the data processing procedure and information flow across each organisation.

We also provide IT infrastructure that offer workspace solutions, local cloud storage, data centre management, and cyber security, amongst others. On top of that, we offer IT application solutions that drive performance and scalability of businesses by adopting the latest cyber security technology, securing our customers’ business operations, data, and intellectual properties.

Infrastructure Management

  • Cyber Security and Operational Technology Security
  • Cloud and LINUX Technology
  • Network
  • Server and Messaging Technology
  • Virtualisation and Storage
  • Site IT/Desktop Management

Project Services and Application Management

  • SAP
  • IT Infrastructure
  • IT Applications (Sharepoint, K2, .Net and Java)

Enterprise Architect

  • Develop IT roadmap and IT infrastructure standards.
  • Develop IT Infrastructure related policies and review them periodically.
  • Explore new IT infrastructure technologies.
  • Provide IT infrastructure design proposal that helps project managers and project engineers understand how to build, deploy, and operationalise an IT Infrastructure solution.
  • Provide IT Infrastructure design and integration plans for M&A and new-site setup related.

IT Helpdesk

  • First point of contact for support on any IT related requests and issues.
  • Conduct initial troubleshooting and resolving of technical problems
  • Grant user access to IT systems and applications
  • Respond to IT related enquiries
  • Monitor IT infrastructure and provide announcements on major outages or security bulletins.

Available in Malaysia and Brazil.

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